Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wk 3 NF High School At- Risk/RTI Action Plan

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The at-risk/RTI program will unite parents, student, school and community offering an opportunity for all to be more involved and for the parents to be made aware of the student’s behavior, grades, attendance, etc. on a consistent basis. The assistance offered will be similar to the assistance special education receives. The at-risk Rep will also involve the community by getting employers and volunteer facilities on board to offer positions to those kids that need that extra sense of pride, an opportunity to help the household income and a place to be that will keep them out of trouble. This will assist roughly 20% of the student population toward success at our school.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wk 2 Lessons Learned

After listening to the scholars I am reminded that as educators, we never stop learning. We are consistently faced with new data, new research, new methods and changes in our students and in our world. We cannot just focus on content. We must use data, research, qualitative research within our classrooms and focus on overall student success. We must build on data that is currently out there and not “reinvent the wheel” (Dr. Johnny Briseno, Week 2 Interview). We utilize several types of data to change performance and as leaders; we must invite the opportunity for action research within our schools.

My conference to decide on action research was actually during the RTI training that I was involved in through my school district recently. This training included two administrators and various teachers. We agreed on action research for RTI through an “at-risk” program for students going into tier 2 or 3 of RTI. This program will connect teachers, parents, administrators and student to address individual student issues and formulate a plan for success and interventions for each student.

Friday, July 16, 2010

EDLD 5301 Educational Leaders and the Use of Blogs Wk 1

Blogging can be very useful for educational leaders if done correctly. Blogs should be used to get people thinking and as an open door for communication through posing questions, solutions, and posting information for teachers, parents and students. It can be another way to keep the community abreast of upcoming events and important dates. It can be used to share campus successes and important information. On a blog there can be campus newsletters, calendars, test scores, surveys and ultimately can serve as a forum allowing all stakeholders the opportunity to learn and participate.

EDLD 5301 Action Research wk1

Implementing change that is what action research is about. An individual that takes an involved role as a participant in planning and examining data to make a positive change conducts action research. It involves an individual conducting experiments by making changes while simultaneously observing the results from current programs on his/her campus or another campus with the desire to make change. The change may either be by adding a needed program to improve student success or maybe even to dissolve an ineffective program that is a waste of budget resources. This type of research is a practical way for individuals to explore and improve and encourages knowledge-making and planned change that is implemented, monitored and analyzed. Action researchers may use a variety of research methods on their way to implement change.

I will be using action research to research the effectiveness of an “At-Risk” program for students at my high-school. As a very involved teacher of 4 years, I am anxious to discover what has and has not worked for those children that struggle in their education process with grades, attendance, behavior and other faced issues. I am interested in learning about more proven techniques that might benefit all staff and students in my building.

EDLD 5301 Research

EDLD 5301 is my 8Th Class on my way to a Masters Degree In Education from Lamar. I will be researching the effectiveness of an “At-Risk” program for students at my high-school. As a very involved teacher of 4 years, I am anxious to discover what has and has not worked for those children that struggle in their education. I am interested in learning about more proven techniques that might benefit all staff and students in my building.